Adult and Aging Division
Bring your discharge papers (DD-214) to our office, and we’ll give you the Veteran Status Verification form. Submit the completed form in-person at the Department of Motor Vehicles, along with a completed application for a driver license, identification card or commercial driver license. On your application, be sure to mark that you wish the veteran designation on your license.
If you weren’t given a dental examination and treatment within 90 days of military discharge, you can apply for dental care. You must apply within 180 days after you leave the service. This time limit does not apply to veterans with dental disabilities resulting from combat wounds or service injuries.
The State of California offers a Fee Tuition Waiver program to help pay for college. Call our office to find out if you are eligible.
The Veterans Service Office can help you complete the form to get a copy of lost discharge papers. The form is sent to the National Archives. You can also request your service records online, by mail or by Fax, through the National Archives. You usually receive a copy in three to four months.
If you developed diabetes mellitus (Type 2) and were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service, you do not need to prove a connection between the disease and your military service to be eligible for benefits.
If your death is due to a cause related to your military service, your spouse may apply for a monthly payment for your loss.
Another benefit your spouse may be eligible for is the Non-service Connected Disability Pension. You must have served during one of the Wartime Periods (such as WWII, Korea, etc.) and your spouse's monthly income must fall below a specific amount.
A surviving spouse may get a burial benefit if, at the time of your death, you: